Safety & Security

Spring Creek is a gated residential and golf course community. The gate is manned 24 hours a day providing access to residents and their guests as well as guests of the golf course and Tavern on the Green. 

Spring Creek security is provided by Securitas and is primarily responsible for traffic direction and access approval at the front entrance gate. They are also tasked with supporting emergency services (fire, police, EMT, etc.) within the Spring Creek gates, as well as promoting our community’s safety and security objectives. 


If you are expecting guests to the neighborhood, please notify the Gatehouse in advance so that they can provide them with a Visitor Pass. This pass should be visible in the vehicle at all times. Extended passes are available to frequent guests.

Also, if you see something suspicious or have a need for security, call the gatehouse security at (540) 832-0832.

Contact 911 for Police, Fire, or Rescue Emergencies.

Vehicle Barcode Replacement: As part of upgrading the access control systems at the front gate we are in the process of replacing the current vehicle barcodes that have been issued to residents as well as recording the new barcodes.  We need the full participation of all residents of Spring Creek and we need to have barcodes on every resident vehicle. If you have already purchased barcodes for your vehicles, there is no charge for the new barcode. The only exceptions are motorcycles, convertibles, and antique automobiles. If you know of a resident who may not be able to receive an email, have access to TownSquare or has not received the letter, please pass on the information to them and if necessary, assist them with providing the required information.

Speeding and Reckless Driving: As a reminder for all residents and their guests, the posted speed limits are 15 mph in the neighborhoods and 25 mph on Bear Island Parkway (Except for the area between Applewood Dr. and Persimmon Way, which is posted as 15 mph).

Residents are encouraged to report incidents of reckless driving to the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office.


Shield Program: The LCSO SHIELD program uses a community-focused policing method to counter local crime, active shooter events, bomb threats, homegrown violent extremists, and even national terrorism. LCSO SHIELD is designed to engage community members and partners on national and local security issues by establishing information-sharing partnerships and delivering civilian training. The combination of public awareness, law enforcement visibility, and reliable communication promotes an atmosphere of community partnerships and together we will transcend the County of Louisa and be a great deterrent to crime.

Increase your awareness of crime trends and suspicious activity by developing ongoing partnerships and a reliable capacity for getting/giving pertinent and real-time information. LCSO SHIELD keeps its partners informed of Louisa crime information, new intelligence, local and global incidents and upcoming events and training.

For more information about the LCSO SHIELD Program:

Vision: A neighborhood that is safe and secure, in which neighbors are responsive the needs of each other. The efforts of the residents are coordinated and synchronized with local law enforcement, first responders, social services, and the Spring Creek Security Guard Force. 

Philosophy: Through transparent communication and the decentralized dissemination of information the residents of spring creek will be able to respond and act, if necessary, to assist neighbors and or facilitate and support others, law enforcement, and first responders. 

Who Are Our Members: All residents are members of The Spring Creek Neighborhood Watch Program and are entitled to participate in the program, as well as information related to the safety and security of Spring Creek. Active participation in the program is completely voluntary. However, your involvement will help keep our community safe, and secure, and will support the work of our security personnel at the front entrance gate. 

Who should you contact if view out-of-the-ordinary circumstances? Depending on the circumstances, contact one or more of the following, as appropriate:

 • Police, Fire, Rescue – 911. In case of an emergency, calling 911 should be the first action. 

• Security Gate Personnel – (540) 832-0832 

• Your Neighbor(s), 


Neighborhood Watch sounds good to me! How do I get started? If you wish to participate on the Spring Creek Neighborhood Watch Committee, send an email to 


Lighting in Spring Creek

You may have noticed that we do not have streetlights. Spring Creek is designated as a “dark sky” community. For safety, we ask that your post light be on at night.  Your post light provides lighting to help someone locate your home and to deter criminal activity, while still allowing you to enjoy our beautiful sky vistas.